You have just given birth to a bundle of joy that can give you the joy and the satisfaction you imagined your baby would bring. You have been given the privilege of caring for a child with special needs
that other children may not have. Never before have parents of babies with Down syndrome been so prepared to deal with these needs and had so many resources.
We are rapidly learning that our children more alike than different from others; and given the same love, care and environment and learning experiences, can realize their full potential.
There are programs aimed at developing physical and cognitive growth beginning at birth which will help you and your child. These programs and your love, combined with early identi cation and treatment of any health problems, are the best hope for our children’s future.
Right now you may be full of fears, doubts or even bitterness; but your feelings will change after you get to know your newborn. You are not alone. We know and we understand. We have been where you are. This is not the end of the world … only a different kind of beginning.
Global Down Syndrome Foundation, National Down Syndrome Congress, National Down Syndrome Society